Hiddentec were at both Security & Policing 2019 and Security & Counter Terror Expo 2019 last week, where we met and discussed GPS tracking with both existing clients and many new faces. We were delighted to receive delegates of British institutions, as well as many international visitors to both our stands from police, military, law enforcement and high-end corporate entities.
At Security & Policing, Hiddentec were represented by Elton Smith, our CEO; and Chris Nyland, our International Marketing Director. Regarding the event, Elton said, “the show went very smoothly, and was very well organized. Thanks to all involved for making the show a great three days! Our latest 4G series of trackers was of great interest to our American and Northern European visitors, and we look forward to following up with delegates from those areas.” By engaging with key visitors at Security & Policing, Hiddentec were able to futher our potential for distribution of our range of services within the law enforcement and government markets within the United States.
At Security & Counter Terror Expo were the company’s Chairman, Ziggy Matheous, UK Operations Director, Arthur Brown, our Technical Operations Manager, Luke Nyland and Operations Manager, Maarten de Haas. Following the event, company Chairman, Ziggy Matheous said, “the show was very enlightening – hearing the different perspectives and opinions within our industry. Many of the comments and feedback given regarding our latest series of trackers and their prospective uses will be taken onboard and acted upon.”
Following meetings at both SecPol and SCTX, Hiddentec are pleased to report that we will be supplying a prestigious European financial institution with our secure tracking solutions; adding another such valuable client to Hiddentec’s existing portfolio.
Both shows were the perfect platform to announce our new HT Ranger series of trackers, due to be launched in the Summer of 2019. The feedback for the new tracker at both shows was positive, and the Ranger was welcomed by the Industry, who have been waiting on such a device: the security and build quality of existing Hiddentec trackers, but in a smaller, more discreet enclosure – with optional magnetic mounting attachment.
In the last couple of years, Hiddentec have been attempting more and more to integrate with other tracking platforms – allowing our advanced, secure trackers to be employed within existing tracking solutions. At both Security & Policing and Security & Counter Terror Expo, Hiddentec announced that we are now officially integrated with the popular Knowmadics platform. This is a tremendous benefit both to our company, and to the many existing users of Knowmadics who will now be able to enjoy the use of Hiddentec’s trackers.
To find out more about Hiddentec, the HT Ranger, and our variety of other secure GPS tracking solutions – stay tuned to our news feed for further details, or make contact with us via our website.