During a visit to Essex, Lord Stephen Green of Hurstpierpoint, Minister of State for Trade and Investment attended Hidden Technology’s offices in Rayleigh.
Lord Green, accompanied by Denise Rossiter, CEO of Essex Chambers of Commerce, Robert Leng, President Essex Chambers of Commerce and Liz Basing, Regional Director – East of England UKTI; were given a presentation and demonstration of Hiddentec tracking equipment to see and hear for themselves how the company has achieved success in the international marketplace.

Chris Nyland, International Marketing and Special Projects Director for Hidden Technology, commented “It was a real honour and privilege to host this visit by Lord Green, this personal visit to our company by a man of Lord Green’s standing and importance has demonstrated that the UK Government is really active in assisting UK businesses in their export activities”
After visiting HTSI’s offices, Lord Green attended a private buffet lunch along with HTSI’s directors, high-ranking members of Essex Chambers of Commerce, and business leaders from the local area.
Hidden Technology would once again like to thank Essex Chambers of Commerce for facilitating this event and further supporting local business.
Special thanks to David Burch, Directory of Policy at Essex Chambers of Commerce, for attending and photographing the event.