In an effort to further reduce the incidence of crime internationally, and to bring those responsible to justice; Hidden Technology are joining forces with DNA Protect. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, DNA Protect employ cutting-edge methodology in the field of DNA science to convict criminals. The owners and directors of DNA Protect visited Hiddentec’s Head Office in the UK, where they were presented with a certificate authorizing them to distribute Hidden Technology’s range of products.

Using Hiddentec’s range of tracking and surveillance equipment, DNA Protect’s clients will benefit from the ability to track and monitor those suspected of criminal activity, and further evidential material for submission in court. This combination of biological and technological tracing is a remarkable step forward in Hiddentec’s development, and we look forward to working with DNA Protect in this field.
For further information regarding the work done by DNA Protect, and for further information on incorporating advanced tracking technology into your existing system infrastructure; you can reach Hidden Technology using the Contact page on our website.